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Theta Delta Chi’s Stanford Chapter was established in 1903, just two years after Stanford University was founded.

TDX’s purpose has always been to help members develop leadership skills, deep friendships, high moral, social, and scholastic standards and a desire to serve others.

Members of TDX come from all walks of life. The membership from 2019-2022 boasts the following demographics:

  • 15% LGBTQ+
  • 70% Black, Native, Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Asian, or mixed race
  • 30% White
  • 20% Come from low-income families


TDX founded at Union College
Stanford University founded
TDX started at Stanford
TDX occupied the Mayfield Avenue house
TDX occupied Alvarado Row house
TDX builds its first house and receives guarantee from Stanford University
TDX House is returned to Stanford for several years as the Chapter falls on hard time
TDX pledges 60 new members and reoccupies TDX House
The Office of Student Affairs suspends TDX from 675 Lomita Drive for six years
#SaveStanfordTDX is formed and sues to regain its historic home and standing on campus

TDX raised $400,000 in the 50s and 60s to build the house it occupies today. The house was dedicated in the memory of TDX brother Myford Irvine. The Myford Irvine Foundation provided the bulk of the money raised to build the house. The Irvine family has deep California roots and founded the city of Irvine, California.

In exchange for paying for and building the house at 675 Lomita Drive, Stanford University gave TDX the right to live in the house in perpetuity. TDX gave its Row house on Lasuen Street to the university, and it is used as an administrative building to this day. Stanford is responsible for managing both houses.

Since having its historic house unjustly confiscated, TDX has suffered the loss of home and reputation. Current pledges lost their residence and the number of individuals who rushed TDX dropped significantly. #SaveStanfordTDX aims to return TDX to its historic home and begin to restore trust and goodwill between the Greek community and Stanford’s Office of Student Affairs.

TDX has contributed to campus culture and lore over the years. The iconic Stanford Tree, pictured here, which is the featured image of the university, has become an honorary member of TDX at least three times in the last three decades. Whether it's inducting the Stanford Tree into TDX, or stealing the Stanford Axe, TDX members have always sought to build a shared culture and community on campus that students and alumni can be proud of.